Salesedge IT Solution Apps

Wife's Wishes 1.0
In entire world the most respected relationconsidered is Wife and Husband. The best part is the unendingbonding between 2 people who create a new world of lots happinessand harmony. Who celebrates every moment when they aretogether.This is a globally accepted fact that Wife always asks forgifts and husband as to fulfill her demand to keep the balance. Nowquestion arises about the ways a wife expressies her wishes to herhusband. Wifewishes is an App which has been designed to provideswives to put there wishes to husband and also remembering themwhich usually they forget. Now Wives can keep the track of wishesthey put in basket and keep track of fulfillment as well.
Payment Reminder Pro 1.0
Track your payments & follow yourcustomersanytime, anywherePayments are the most crucial part for any business tosurviveand a timed collection of money makes companies stay afloatacrossall odds of the market. By sensing this critical situation,we atSalesedge IT Solutions came up with an idea where we combinedourexpertise with business and development of mobiles apps to formasingle successful application named Payment Reminder whichhasalready been a hit on Google Play Android Market withmoredownloads than any other software within short period oftime.We have introduced this product for all those business manandindividuals who wants instant track with their collectionswithoutlosing even a second. The Payment Reminder comes withthreeversions as software like Payment Reminder, Payment ReminderProand Payment Reminder Enterprise Edition.How Payment Reminder Application Worksî Enter your payment amount and date of collection yourcustomersays and fill basic information likePerson Name, Mobile No, Email(if any), Amount to becollected,Company Name(if any) and Due Dateî Send SMS, Call or email immediately at the collectiondategiven by your customersî Filter data by Today, Previous, Week, Month and all andgetcomplete list of reminders you set withvariationsî Add, Update, Delete the status of all customerpaymentinformation and get transaction details on youremailî Use assistant for managing payment reminders via PCî Integrate with your existing finance applicationlikeMicrosoft, SAP, Tally, Oracle, etc. applications.Payment Reminder* conditions apply
Payment Reminder Enterprise 1.0
In Enterprise Version, Entire taskthatdescribe above is done by One Assistance. Assistant do alltasklikeSending Email or SMS and Give Notifications. This entirecumbersometask is done easily By One Assistant.1) Assistant on Cloud2) Third Party Integration3) This version can allow you to insert up to1000transactions4) Backup Facility Available to manage your Transaction.
Payment Reminder 1.0
Payment Reminder from Salesedge IT Solutionsisa unique tool to keep you updated with the Payment CollectionStatuswith the people. Now a days when the payment crisis areincreasing,people always face problems while keep tracking withtheircollection. This tool enhances their capabilities andprovides quicknotifications so that they can streamline theirPayment Collectionprocedures.